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There are so many ways to stay informed about our latest news. We produce a range of publications to suit you, your church and however you  prefer to engage with the world. Online and paper copies are available for most of our resources and they’re all completely free!

Enjoy the different publications we have available for you here, including Engage magazine, the BMS Prayer Guide, and Mission Catalyst, either by signing up for a subscription to come in the post, or by downloading the resources to your phone or device.

Engage and Prayer Guide subscription

Sign up today to ensure you receive our two most popular resources, every four months, as soon as they hit the press. This subscription includes our BMS World Mission Prayer Guide, with daily prayer points and Bible verses, and Engage, the BMS magazine, full of in-depth stories from the frontline of mission.


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Prayer Guide

May to August 2024

This Prayer Guide includes prayers for BMS work for May to August 2024. Order a printed version, or download as a pdf from this page.


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Previous Issues

January to April 2024

This Prayer Guide includes prayers for BMS work for January to April 2024. Order a printed version, or download as a pdf from this page.


September to December 2023

This Prayer Guide includes prayers for BMS work for September to December 2023. Order a printed version, or download as a pdf from this page.



Issue 59 - 2024

You’ll find some amazing stories of the work you’re making possible in Engage, the BMS World Mission magazine! This issue of Engage highlights people who are enacting God’s hope across the world. Amelia in Mozambique is growing bountiful crops for her family, as well as caring for her land. Alia in Lebanon is working with our partner Thimar in the face of increased escalation in the Middle East. God is moving miraculously across Bangladesh as new believers are baptised and hundreds of mission couples trained and sent out. May each of these stories, plus many more prayers and updates from BMS workers, partners and supporters inspire you to pray, putting hope for the world into action.


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Previous Issues

Issue 58 - 2023

There’s so much packed into the latest issue of Engage, from news about how the Word is spreading in India despite persecution, to a exciting update on a new playground for the children at Hope Home in Thailand. Find out more about the difference your support has made to farmers in Uganda, and read prayer requests from refugees on the island of Lesbos.


Issue 57 - 2023

In this issue, you’ll see the incredible impact one BMS mission worker has made on the education of hundreds of children in Nepal, you’ll be encouraged by the story of the bees bringing hope to Afghanistan and you’ll get an exciting in depth look at BMS’ strategy.


Mission Catalyst

Issue 2 - 2023 - The Road to Reconciliation

Mission Catalyst is BMS World Mission’s magazine for thinking Christians, providing intelligent comment on faith and culture. Each issue of Mission Catalyst features Q&As with challenging thinkers, accessible articles and the space to think deeper and more broadly on the most important issues facing our world. In this issue: As the UK church across the denominations prepares for rifts, rips and worse over the issue of human sexuality, this issue looks to the Global church for theologies of healing, a subject brought yet more sharply into focus by the conflict between Israel and Hamas. Matty Fearon, René August, Martin Accad, Camille Hernandez, Katy Hayward and regular columnist Natalia-Nana Lester-Bush share their stories to help illuminate our pathways.



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Previous Issues

Issue 1 - 2023 - Transforming Apologetics

In this issue: How to make interfaith friends and not alienate people. Kang-San Tan and Benno van den Toren share how we remedy the Western world’s hold on apologetics, Rev Ruth Conlon talks us through how we can act out radical inclusion, Amro Hussein shares a time he changed his mind, and you’ll hear from regular columnist Natalia-Nana Lester-Bush on how mission is racist.


Issue 2 - 2022 - A Christian response to War

Handle this issue with care: Nick Megoran makes the evangelical case against war while Pieter J. Lalleman defends Old Testament history. Cole Maynard shares his own experiences as an army chaplain while Linda Ramsden takes us on her journey from American Zionist to its ideological opposite.


Searching for an older issue of Mission Catalyst? Explore our archive here

Looking for news you can share with your church? Try BMS World News!

BMS World News

Date Added

July 26th, 2023
BMS World News is a publication that comes out six times a year and is perfect for slipping into your church bulletin or service notes. It’s jam-packed with news and stories of what God is doing through your support for BMS World Mission.
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If you'd like to subscribe to World News by post, or if you have any other questions about our publications, get in touch with Pam at or by phoning 01235 517617.