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Our Impact

Be encouraged that the work your gifts and prayers make possible with your gifts and prayers is transforming the lives of individuals and communities around the world.

Every year, we publish an Impact Report and an Annual Report and Accounts to record and evidence the work undertaken by BMS World Mission. These documents detail the impact your support made possible.

Full copies of these documents can be downloaded below.

BMS Impact Report

BMS World Mission's annual Impact Report is a great way to learn more about the difference your support is making across the world. Taking each ministry in turn, the report combines stories, numbers and maps through which we hope you will encounter a God who is always infinitely concerned with the transformation of our lives, our hearts and our minds.


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BMS World Mission Annual Report and Accounts

Annual Report and Accounts 2022

A PDF copy of BMS' three most recent Annual Report and Financial Statements can be be downloaded here. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Charities Act 1993 and the Statement of Recommended Practice 2005 Accounting and Reporting by Charities (SORP 2005).


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Previous Issues

Annual Report and Accounts 2021


Annual Report and Accounts 2020


Banner photo: © Clive Thomas for BMS World Mission

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