What are you looking for?
The application process for BMS consists of:
Watching the ‘Explore’ video series, to get a better understanding of what it means to serve with BMS.
An interview at our offices in Didcot.
Attending “Explore Day: Who are You”, which is a 24-hour residential period at Didcot designed to help us get to know you a little better.
You will need to cover all the costs of your placement. This will probably include: flights, vaccinations, health check, DBS check, visa, food, travel and accommodation. We’ll provide you with a budget and will give you plenty of information to help you arrange the practicalities on your trip.
BMS provides training prior to overseas service. This may include an All Nations Christian College course as well as BMS bespoke training. While you’re overseas, you will be supported by our experienced UK-based team.
BMS seconds personnel to a local partner organisation, who we work in close association with. This means you may need to complete their acceptance/application process. Volunteers work under the direction of the partner organisation subject to the approval of the BMS Team Lead.
Your church family are an important part of sending you overseas. They are the people that know you, love you and will support you throughout your application, time overseas and eventual return. We ask that your church ratifies your call to mission, which includes writing a reference, and supports you both with prayer and finances. They will be a key part in helping you to fund your trip.
We have been awarded Global Connections' Commitment to Best Practice for Short Term Mission.