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Hello and greetings from a dry and dusty (but still relatively cool) Chad! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that the new year 2025 has started out well for you.
Cleopas now has Valerie available to work alongside him for a few months, as we have no pharmacy staff on annual leave who Valerie needs to cover. We have needed to implement even more procedures for stock ordering in order to continue managing well the rolling drugs fund and the supplies we need. This just serves to improve an already good system, we are just tightening things up a bit, alongside our colleagues in the finance department. Cleopas and Valerie have learned the extra 'belt and braces' of the process quickly, I am so proud of them! I have managed to stay pretty much at arm's length in terms of the pharmacy, as they are totally capable to manage things themselves. They just need me to sign things off, as a member of the management team responsible for approving expenditure. This has meant that I've been freed up to continue with more of the management side of my role and I'm really grateful for that.
Our colleagues and the hospital founders, Bert and Debbie, are currently in country for a month, ready for the hospital board of governors meetings in early February. Debbie has been continuing to instigate renovation works at the hospital to make for a better and more welcoming environment for patients and staff. The pharmacy was on her hit-list this time around and so the construction (or should I say, destruction?!) team have taken down the suspended ceilings in the pharmacy, which were low and a bit rickety, and are putting up higher, fixed ceilings. The photo shows the start of the work in the stock room of the pharmacy. I'll include a photo of the finished work in a future letter!
The hospital's management team of which I'm a part have been busy preparing reports and presentations for the annual hospital board meetings, which are taking place the first week of February. It has been a busy time, especially as we learn more about financial management and the best way to present the finances, from our colleague Lucia. Other recent tasks for the management team have been to meet with the staff representatives to discuss issues relevant to the Chadian staff, that affect the ongoing good functioning of the hospital, dealing with a serious disciplinary issue, holding the monthly meeting with the Chadian heads of department and finding a new local trustworthy auditor to carry out the financial audit of the 2024 accounts. Running a hospital with 123 staff is no small task but with teamwork and God's grace, it happens, and patients continue to trust the hospital and come for care.
It was exciting to welcome the Hamlet family to G2 in the middle of January! For those unaware, they are a new family sent to G2 via BMS. Roger and Ingrid along with their two boys, Mark and Joel, arrived safely and amazingly with all of their checked luggage, praise God! They are settling in and slowly getting used to life in Chad. The first thing to learn was the route to drive into town, to take the boys to school. They've done well in that. Their arrival also means that I have new neighbours, as they're living in the house next to mine on the compound!
Christmas was again a simple time here at G2 but gave time to really focus on the meaning of what (and Who) we're celebrating. At the hospital we held a Christmas party for staff, patients and caregivers where the Gospel was openly shared in Chadian Arabic by one of the chaplains. Christmas is the only time we can share as openly as this and so we're always keen not to miss the opportunity.
Christmas Day was a relaxed affair on the residential side of the compound. 25 December is a public holiday in Chad and so we enjoyed the day off! The mission workers all joined together with a bring and share dinner at lunchtime. We were so full that we went home to rest and then reconvened later to eat the deserts and watch a film together! The photo shows us after finishing our Christmas lunch.
At my Chadian church on the first Sunday in January it turned into somewhat of a celebration worship party! The pastor reminded us of the simple but impactful truth that God looks after us and watches over us all the time and that we should be grateful and not take it for granted. People are very aware of spiritual warfare here, partly because 'dark' things are more overt. I was really challenged that yes, the fact that I go about my daily life in safety is not something I should take lightly, especially in the context I live and work in. The photo shows people in the church up dancing to the music of the music group and choir. The pastor was up there dancing, one of the elders did a 'take-over' on the drum set and it was all just one massive celebration of life and amazing to witness and be a part of!
Praise and prayer points
Praise points:
Cleopas and Valerie taking another step forward in their confidence in managing the pharmacy stock ordering and receipt process
Renovated ceiling in pharmacy
Management team cohesiveness and ability to manage the many tasks in front of us
Safe arrival of the Hamlet family, with all their luggage
Times of celebration at Christmas and into the new year
Prayer points:
Safety for the construction team
Wisdom, insight and creativity during the board meetings early February
That the Hamlet family would feel a part of the team and comfortable in their new life in Chad
That the road will finally be tarred
Physical and spiritual protection of everyone working at G2
Once again, I really appreciate your ongoing support in prayer and also financially via the BMS 24:7 Partners' scheme. Thank you for walking alongside me!