What are you looking for?
Yes. We would always recommend you speak to a qualified professional, such as a solicitor, when making or changing your Will. If you don’t already have a solicitor, then you can try searching on The Law Society’s website to find a local one. Go to www.lawsociety.org.uk if you live in England or Wales, www.lawscot.org.uk if you live in Scotland or www.lawsoc-ni.org if you live in Northern Ireland. If you are looking for a Christian lawyer, you can have a look at www.lawcf.org/lawyer-search
It’s very simple to make or update a Will. You’ll just need our address, our charity number and to let the solicitor know what type of gift you wish to leave (see more about the types of gifts you can leave below). Our address: BMS World Mission, PO Box 49, 129 Broadway, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 8XA. Registered Charity number: 1174364
There are three types of gifts that you can leave in your Will:
(1) A share in your estate, called a residuary legacy. This is a gift of all or part of what is left in your estate after taxes, debts and other gifts have been distributed.
(2) A specific sum, called a pecuniary legacy. This is a gift of a specific sum of money to BMS. Please speak to your solicitor about protecting the value of your gift by directly linking it to the cost of living (index linking).
(3) A specific item – a gift of specific items such as property.
Because BMS is a charity, a gift in your Will is deductible from your taxable estate. Currently, all gifts to charities are free from inheritance tax. A solicitor can advise you on how to make your Will as tax-efficient as possible and can share more about laws that reduce the rate of inheritance tax for people who leave at least ten per cent of their estate to charity.
Please contact a solicitor for advice, but some suggested wording is available as a download here.
Firstly, we appreciate that it can be an exhausting and emotionally demanding role, so please do reach out if you need any help. Please email our Legacy Officer Lucy on legacies@bmsworldmission.org or call 01235 517615. We would encourage you to first inform us of the death and send us a copy of the Will. If we have been left a share of an estate, we would be grateful if we could also receive the following:
A copy of the estate accounts (schedule of assets and liabilities) and a tax deduction certificate (form R185) (if applicable). This will ensure that we administer all legacy gifts in accordance with the guidelines set down by the Charity Commission.
Legacies can be paid by cheque or bank transfer.If you would like to make a bank transfer, please contact our Legacy Officer, Lucy on legacies@bmsworldmission.org beforehand or call 01235 517615. She can then give you a reference number to use.
Cheques should be made payable to ‘BMS World Mission’ and sent with a covering letter to: BMS World Mission, PO Box 49, 129 Broadway, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 8XA.