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Welcome to our Birthday Scheme Co-ordinators' page! On this page you can order cards and other resources, update us about changes to membership, and make an online donation to the Birthday Scheme from your church.
Thank you so much for all you are doing as Birthday Scheme co-ordinator in your church. You are helping others to take part in mission at a very personal level, enabling them to remember and bless others on their birthday. Together we can make a real difference to the lives of those who have so little and suffer the most – thank you for being part of the BMS mission team!
PS If you’d like to make a personal gift for the Birthday Scheme (with Gift Aid) please click below to go to our Members’ page.
If you have any questions about how to use this page, or if you would like to update details for one of your Birthday Scheme members, please get in touch with Anne on 01235 517638 or by email to birthday@bmsworldmission.org. You can also write to BMS Birthday Scheme, BMS World Mission, PO Box 49, 129 Broadway, Didcot, OX11 8XA.
You are truly making a difference by serving as a Birthday Scheme Co-ordinator – thank you!