What are you looking for?
Last month, you prayed for Baptist churches in France as they prepared for the Summer Olympics and Paralympics. God is answering your prayers, as the French Baptist Federation encourages churches to “pass the baton of hope” to thousands of fans and athletes.
As millions of people around the world tuned in to watch the Olympics opening ceremony on Friday 26 July, Baptist churches in Paris also joined in with the celebrations. BMS World Mission workers John and Sue Wilson have welcomed a short-term mission team from America to help engage with their local community. They’ve already held a K-Pop in Paris evening, put on a table tennis competition, and hosted conversation cafés, where visitors are encouraged to practise their second or third language. The church hopes that the events will make visitors feel welcome and provide opportunities for Christians to share the gospel with visitors and locals alike.
Young people in Baptist churches across the southern half of Paris are also working together on a digital mission project. They’re posting about the Christian faith on social media and responding to questions and messages from enquirers. “The aim is to point these people to Jesus, point them to God’s Word and then we’ll connect them with a local church,” said BMS mission worker, Philip Halliday.
One Baptist church in the centre of Paris is hosting an art exhibition called Hymnal – humanity gathered. It features works by painters, sculptors, clothing designers, musicians and many other artists. At the opening of the exhibition, Rich Swingle, a Broadway actor, performed two short extracts from his one-person play Beyond the chariots. The play is about Eric Liddell’s life as a missionary after winning gold in the 400 metres at the 1924 Games in Paris – the subject of the famous film, Chariots of Fire.
Churches are even reaching out to fans on the streets. Up to 10,000 evangelists will be out and about in the centre of French cities, including many from Baptist churches. They’re talking to people about faith and sport, as well as handing out copies of a special edition of the New Testament, which includes testimonies from several Christian athletes.
As athletes are filled with the hopes of victory, these church communities are boldly passing on a different kind of hope – one of eternal and abundant life in Jesus. John and Sue Wilson, and Philip and Rosemary Halliday, are so encouraged by the unity of Baptist churches in France and their ongoing witness during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Thank you so much for your prayers – churches in France could not run the race of faith without you cheering them on!
Author: Chris Manktelow
Photos: John Wilson, Jonathan Chappell
Published: 28/08/2024
Your prayers are being answered as people share their love of sport and faith, whether through table tennis competitions, art or street evangelism. The Olympic Games finish on 11 August and the Paralympic Games run from 28 August to 8 September, so keep those prayers coming! Why not download our prayer sheet to guide your prayers for Baptist churches in France?