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Request a speakerHello from Devon! I arrived back in the UK on 22 September and have had a bit of 'down time' before recently starting the church visits that make up the majority of my home assignment time.
In my last update I mentioned that we hadn't received any free mosquito nets to give away to children and pregnant women. I'm glad to report that a few weeks later, we did receive some. They were quickly distributed to relevant patients as the rains were in full swing and so they were better in people's homes than in the pharmacy stock room. The numbers of malaria cases continued to increase as the rain kept falling. Unfortunately, this year has been a heavy rainy season and there is much flooding in Chad. Some houses have fallen and as a management team we've been wrestling with how we can help the hospital staff who are the most affected.
The money for the emergency room (ER) refurbishment arrived early August which we were really pleased about. Alphonse, our Chadian head of construction, and his team have been hard at work doing the remaining work on the refurbishment so that we can have a larger, more spacious ER for our patients. The staff will also feel the benefit of having more space to care for patients coming in an emergency.
The road into Guinebor 2 still hasn't been tarred which is a real disappointment. It was getting more and more challenging getting to and from the hospital, but the rains should be easing off now. Our hospital driver, Saleh, has had a far easier rainy season this year, thanks to the new 4x4 ambulance that the Ministry of Health gave us in January. So that's been a blessing and one less thing to be concerned about.
One piece of good news is that after many months (actually, over a year) of searching and waiting, we have secured funding for a new machine in the lab. The current machine that does full blood counts (FBC) is 5 years old and occasionally breaks down. We are grateful to two donors from the USA and the UK for each giving the hospital 50% of the cost of a new FBC machine. We have a supplier in N'Djamena who has sourced the machine from Europe and will install it and train our lab technicians how to use it. The head lab technician has been patiently waiting for the moment he's been able to place the order and so we're really excited about this new piece of machinery being available to us.
Another piece of good news is that Debbie safely arrived in Chad in August with all the equipment and supplies she had received to bring us. We are grateful to her for bringing the new x-ray, among many other things.
It's been great to see family and friends while in the UK and also have a break from the heat and intensity of the work in Chad. I had a good break for a few days in N'Djamena at the start of August.
My visa renewal went fairly smoothly, despite a new process which meant I had to quickly go to an office in N'Djamena to have my photo and fingerprints taken! I received a visa for another year, so I am grateful for that.
I have many church visits while in the UK which are honestly a real blessing but can also be draining. I'd appreciate prayers for stamina and joy as I travel around the UK. The photo shows me doing my update presentation at my home church, Upton Vale Baptist Church in Torquay.
I have left the pharmacy in the capable hands of Cleopas. I know he likes having me around as a sounding board though and so I'd appreciate prayers that he feels confident as he manages the pharmacy and particularly the stock ordering. He is perfectly capable (and I've told him so, numerous times as well as encouraging him in other ways) so I've no concerns!
Praise and prayer points
Praise points:
Mosquito nets being received to give out
Money for the ER finally came through
The new 4x4 ambulance being a blessing
Funding for the new lab machine
Debbie arrived safely with all the supplies
Successful visa renewal
Time with family and friends in the UK
Prayer points:
That once the rains are over, the road will finally be tarred
Safe and successful completion of the ER refurbishment
The lab technicians as they learn how the new FBC machine works
Cleopas as he manages the pharmacy
Safety as I travel around the UK visiting supporting churches
Positive and encouraging visits with supporting churches
Once again, thank you for your ongoing prayers, they are much appreciated. I have done a few church visits now but there are still more to come, so I have listed the remaining ones below. Do feel free to come along to one if I'm speaking at a venue near you!
UK home assignment visits 2024
Sunday 13 October – 10.30am – Sutton Baptist Church
Sunday 13 October – 5pm – Folkestone Baptist Church
Monday 14 October – 6pm – Brighton Road Baptist Church, Horsham
Tuesday 15 October – 2.30pm – Church Crookham Baptist Church, Fleet
Wednesday 16 October – 9am – South London group of Northumbria Community (online)
Saturday 19 October – 10am – Eastwood Baptist Church, Nottingham
Sunday 20 October – 10.30am – Stoneygate Baptist Church, Leicester
Sunday 20 October – 4pm – Desford Free Church
Thursday 24 October – 7pm – Moriah Baptist Church, Risca
Friday 25 October – 6.30pm – Lydbrook Baptist Church
Sunday 27 October – 10.30am – Carey Baptist Church, Preston
Friday 1 November – evening meeting – Wellington Baptist Church
Sunday 3 November – 10.45am – Higham Way Baptist Church
Sunday 3 November – 4pm – LBC Earl Shilton