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Dear all
I hope you have enjoyed the UK summer.
BMS ending in Mozambique
It is with real sadness that I have to tell you that BMS has decided to pull out of Mozambique. This means that BMS' involvement with and support for both AMAC and the Mozambican Baptist Convention will come to an end. BMS' work with AMAC will finish in February of next year.
I will personally be here in Mozambique with BMS till February, and then back in the UK for a few months for a final home assignment. Beyond that, I am seeking God's guidance as to the next steps for the future.
I wrote earlier this year that I had been impressed with the AMAC staff here and how they had dealt with certain challenges. In this recent time, I have been really taken aback and humbled by their attitude towards all of this, and their resolve to press forward despite the difficult circumstances.
Throughout this time, I have often been reminded of the verse that I chose for my prayer cards when I came out here – “He will not falter or lose heart until justice prevails throughout the earth” (Isaiah 42:4a). I know that, ultimately, the justice ministry in Mozambique is in God's hands.
Thank you
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you for the support and your prayers for me whilst I've been out here, for AMAC and for Mozambique as a country. This won't be the last you hear from me, I still have a few more prayer letters to write before I finish with BMS, but it seemed a good time to say thank you.
You have helped countless people to access legal advice and representation when it has been most needed. Those who had been unjustly imprisoned have been set free. Workers have got compensation for being unfairly dismissed. Mothers have received maintenance payments from the fathers of their children when they had refused to pay.
Your support has enabled many to be taught about their rights under the law. Both in face-to-face sessions with churches, community leaders, community activists and communities themselves, and also digitally through regular radio sessions and the phone app. People knowing what their, and others', legal rights are is the first step towards those rights actually being protected – either by being able to then seek some redress, or (even better!) by the rights not being violated in the first place as others are aware of the consequence of doing so.
As Christian lawyers helping the vulnerable and marginalised to access justice, this shows Christ's love for them in a practical way. And, through our justice-themed Bible studies for Christian lawyers and law students, we can inspire many more to seek justice and show Christ's love to those around them.
There are a couple of elections planned for later this year. One is that AMAC is due to have elections for a new Board of Trustees. These will be even more significant now, as it will be especially important for the right people to be elected to lead AMAC through this next phase.
Mozambique as a country will also be holding presidential and parliamentary elections in October. The campaign is well underway, everywhere around the city you can see posters and flags for the main parties. The AMAC office is opposite the home of someone connected with the government, and for the past few days they have been blaring out promotional songs for their candidate to be president. A little bit distracting!
Please pray:
For AMAC as it seeks to work through the changes that BMS' decision will bring.
For the elections for new Board members for AMAC, that the right people would come forward and be selected for these posts.
For me as I seek God's guidance as to the next steps.
For peaceful general elections in Mozambique.
Thanks again for all your support and prayers for Mozambique and our work here.
Love Jane