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Louise and Peter Lynch

May 2024

Simple Things

It was during a prayer day at the theology college that a blade of grass and the whisper of God came together. While we spend a lot of our lives carving out a space for ourselves - the wind is busily blowing the seeds for the next generation. That simple picture from nature got us thinking again about how we play our part in what is coming next.

At CCTB it has been a good month in terms of future thinking. In early May the Asian Theological Association accreditation team visited the college to evaluate the courses and degrees. In being the only theological institution in Bangladesh providing externally accredited programmes, it is quite a big deal. After a lot of work from faculty and staff the self-study reports and stakeholder assessments were all finalised and the team from the Philippines, Pakistan and Hong Kong visited for 3 days. It was a great encouragement for everyone at CCTB that they approved the DipTh; BTh; MA and now the MDiv for full accreditation until 2029. We praise God and pray that that will mean a whole lot of seeds catching the wind and being sown for the future.

In April we enjoyed our family visits from Calum, Jonah and Abbie. It was great to travel around Bangladesh and to enjoy the beauty and peace of just being here. More recently, some of the tension of being in the middle of our visa extension application process inevitably returned to our minds. Our papers are traveling through different departments for security clearance and the approval of the ministry for religious affairs. Later comes the approval of home ministry and what we pray will be the official stamp. Thankfully, God knows all things!

Also, during May – we were training the Baptist Mission Training Centre workers in their second face to face week. When a grown man was lifted from the ground on the end of a simple roll of twisted toilet paper – it was another lesson learned. In Bangladesh, working with jute means that the idea of twisting what is singularly fragile to create something that is collectively strong is well known. However, for workers and trainers scattered around the country, all from different backgrounds and working in very isolated places - it is learning that it is in the working together we can make something strong for their future.

The strength of two of the women from Muslim background who we have been teaching have taught us important lessons. One shared, “Religiously I belong to a Muslim family. I was wanting some peace of mind and was searching in my Quran and reading many things so that I would find peace. As I was reading in one place I came to see Jesus as my saviour. I am now very happy mentally. Jesus has taught me how to trust in God with a smile on my face – because He is our salvation and our provider.” The second shared her family testimony after we had been reading the words of Jesus that, “God blesses you when people mock you and lie about you because you are my followers.” She said with some pain, but with strong conviction, “This verse has been very real for us. Many times, as a family we have faced troubles. They have been many worries and people have said many things, but God has blessed us.” It is the example of some of these believers that help us to stay strong.

The last 2 months have been quite full on. We have been leading training for evangelists, deacons and pre-school teachers, travelling for preaching trips and teaching theology students. There are good plans for all this work and it is a blessing to play our part – yet as we write this – Bangladesh is being battered by a cyclone. News feeds are telling us that people have died, and many homes are damaged and livelihoods lost. It is another timely reminder that while we make our plans for the future, we also hold all plans lightly, we try to keep it simple, and we seek to trust in God.

Give thanks for the faithful disciples of Jesus who live the faith day by day in tough circumstances. Also, the successful accreditation of CCTB degree programmes.

Please pray for those suffering the effects of the current cyclone. Our visa application process.The equipping of faculty and students at CCTB; and the strengthening of the community outreach workers.


Our next home assignment is now scheduled for December 2024 to February 2025. We will take a break over Christmas and New Year – but it will be great to see many of you either side of that to share some time together.

Thank you as always for your prayers and encouragement and for supporting BMS.

Pete and Louise