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Wissam Nasrallah

March 2024

Humbled and honoured to serve the King

For 25 years, Thimar has been on mission with God in the Middle East, a journey marked by both challenges and blessings that yielded fruits of faith across our ministries who aim to strengthen the witness of the local Church by proclaiming and demonstrating the Gospel through inclusive education, community development, and church discipleship.


We believe the Gospel transforms everything from individual lives to communities and to how God’s people engage with and flavour the world. This is why we walk alongside individuals and churches so they can be fruitful, serve their communities and reflect Jesus.


For those who do not know Thimar, we are family of six ministries that include the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary,  Dar Manhal Al Hayat - a publishing house, SKILD –a ministry for children and students with special needs, MERATH –a relief and community development ministry that works through local churches, Beirut Baptist School –a K to 12 school in the heart of Beirut and Salt and Light -a discipleship ministry for children and adults.


During the Christmas season, the Lord enabled us to support 43 local churches in Lebanon and Syria in organizing Christmas events for children. The Christmas story and the gifts brought joy and hope to 6,115 children, including those from non-Christian communities. Our team is now busy preparing for a similar program for Easter with around 20 churches in Lebanon and 13 in Syria.


Speaking of Christmas, this winter has been difficult for many internally displaced Lebanese fleeing the South of Lebanon and many refugees. MERATH provided up to 4,500 families with heating fuel and other winter gear, bringing warmth to families in Lebanon and Syria.

When we first moved to Lebanon as a family and started working with Thimar (which means "fruits" in Arabic) I had a feeling of satisfaction that I was contributing to the mission field. But since, I have been continually reminded that there is no greater honour than being weak vessels for His transformative power. In other words, God was doing me a favour rather than the contrary.


On the educational front, Beirut Baptist School has been busy catering to students' minds, bodies, and souls through weekly chapel and Bible classes. One student who considers himself to be an atheist has recently shared that he started praying to God.


As for our non-formal education centres, we persist in witnessing the gradual yet undeniable advancement that education fosters all while giving the hope that only the Gospel can provide.

Our publishing house brought together Sunday school teachers and parents for an enriching training session with French author Mathieu Perraud on how to prepare engaging, creative, and visual Bible lessons for children.

Finally, two church plants among an unreached people group are yielding beautiful fruits as faithful men and women are being equipped and encouraged to develop deep roots in the knowledge of God and His will.

This is an incredibly busy season for us as we navigate the planning stages for the next 25 years of ministry in the midst of uncertainty and an everchanging context. However, amidst this flurry of activity, we are facing a significant challenge – the departure of talented individuals and bright minds from the country. This exodus poses a great obstacle as we realize that the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few. Despite these challenges, we are unwavering in our commitment to serve the King! 



Please Pray

As the father of Elise and Antoine, my deepest desire is to reflect the love and character of Jesus to them.

Please pray that Sophie and I may cultivate a home environment that honours God and where the seeds of faith are nurtured. May our actions, words, and attitudes be a mirror that reflects His grace and truth into their lives.

As a team leader, my desire is to help those around me grow professionally and spiritually and that they may express their God  given gifts and reach their potential.

Please pray that I may have the necessary compassion and intentionality so that I may serve my team the Jesus way.  In ministry, it takes time to see the fruits of our labour.

Please pray for patience and perseverance as we carry out the work set before us. Doing ministry in the Middle East necessitates not only a Gospel-shaped vision and unwavering dedication but also the aptitude and tenacity of a tightrope walker since we constantly must undertake a balancing act oscillating between competing realities and conflicting emotions, between the realms of hope and despair, realism and faith, anger, and compassion.

Please pray for divine wisdom to discern the paths set before us, courage to stand firm in our convictions, and compassion to extend the love of Christ to all whom we encounter.

God Almighty, Creator of the heavens and the earth. In the midst of strife, we lift our cry. Guide the Middle East to paths of peace, where battle’s roar is heard no more. May your gentle Spirit soothe the land, and bring forth the gift of peace by Your loving hand. Grant us the grace to be instruments of that peace, to mend wounds, sow hope, and bear fruit.


Thank you for your longstanding partnership and support!


Wissam Nasrallah