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Location: Bangladesh
You can be part of what God is doing in Bangladesh and beyond by committing to support Louise and Peter with a monthly gift, or by simply signing up to receive their prayer letters so that you're equipped to support them in regular prayer.
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Louise and Peter always felt called to mission and were excited when this came to fruition in 2018 with their move to Dhaka. Peter previously trained as a pastor and Louise as a social worker. Working alongside the leaders of the Bangladesh Baptist Church Sangha (BBCS), they use their skills in training, teaching and pastoral care. They build and nurture partnerships between Baptist churches in Bangladesh, BMS World Mission and other partners.
Louise and Peter also work with the College of Christian Theology Bangladesh (CCTB). They have recently been supporting the ordination of new pastors, including some of the first women.
Louise and Peter are from Worle Baptist Church in Weston-Super-Mare. They have two sons, both currently studying at university.
There are no home assignment dates available at this time. These will be posted here as soon as they are confirmed. In the meantime please remember that you can request a Request a Speaker | BMS World Mission at any time in the year.
Posted on 17 January 2023
Posted on 07 July 2023