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Serving long-term with BMS World Mission

On our long-term programme for two years or more, you’ll receive an annual salary, regular pastoral support from our experienced UK team, annual flights to and from the UK for home assignments and extensive training.

Application process

The application process for BMS consists of:


All mission personnel are on salary from BMS from the beginning of their training period. For married personnel both partners of the marriage are employed as full-time mission workers and supported as such by BMS. If you have children, BMS will pay a grant of up to £1500 per child per year for up to four children.

This salary will cover all your living expenses including paying rent. However, BMS covers the cost of your flights and insurance, as well as the costs of your training programme.

Working with a BMS partner organisation

BMS seconds personnel to a local partner organisation, who we work in close association with. This means you may need to complete their acceptance/application process. Mission workers have a partnership agreement between BMS and the relevant partner organisation and will work under the direction of the partner organisation subject to the approval of the BMS Team Lead.

How your sending church supports you

Your church family are an important part of sending you overseas.  They are the people that know you, love you and will support you throughout your application, time overseas and eventual return.  We ask that your church ratifies your call to mission, which includes writing a reference, and supports you both with prayer and finances. We ask your sending church to support their mission personnel at a rate of either £10,000 per annum, or £51 per regular attendee per year.

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