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Justice for children appeal resources

These prayer resources are a great way to incorporate the BMS Justice for children appeal in your church service or meeting.

By giving to the Justice for children appeal, your church is standing hand in hand with Valerie, a BMS World Mission-supported Child Protection Worker. She’s dedicated to keeping the children of Gulu safe and educating communities to stop abuse before it starts.

She responds directly to cases of neglect and abuse, helping mediate between family members, finding legal representation where necessary and being there for vulnerable children. She runs training sessions in schools and churches, helping raise awareness of how important it is to keep girls in school. And she works with women to share information about sexual and reproductive rights, helping them protect themselves and their daughters from being married off when they’re still children.

Why not use our prayer resources to lift up Valerie and her team in prayer in your church this Sunday?

Included in this bundle

Justice for children prayer PowerPoint

Use this slideshow to guide your prayers as a church.

Justice for children prayer sheet

Print and distribute this sheet to aid corporate or personal prayer.