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Spring appeal

Will you bring the hope of the gospel to India this Easter?


How would you cope if your life was under threat simply because of your faith in Jesus? If you and your family were at risk of violent attacks because you proclaimed the gospel as truth? If every prayer you spoke, every Bible verse you read, every hymn you sung meant danger as well as hope?

Pastor Jabad's story

Pastor Jabad* is still sharing the Word of God, despite the dangers he faces. Back in 2008, when religious riots surged across Odisha, where he’s based, he and his family nearly lost their lives. They had to flee from their home and, when they found refuge, Pastor Jadab didn’t think he would ever return. But when he heard God’s call to go back, he knew this was where he was meant to be.

Now, 17 years later, Pastor Jadab is preaching to some of the very same people who threatened to kill him back in 2008. The Christian message is spreading like never before, and, amazingly, there are now 4,745 churches in Odisha alone!

*Name changed for security reasons

But there’s still plenty of risk. In 2024, there were 745 reports of violent attacks or incidents of persecution against Christians. By supporting the BMS World Mission Easter appeal today, you’ll be standing with your brothers and sisters in India as they boldly step out in faith. Will you stand alongside them and give today?

Your giving

How will your gifts make a difference?

  • £15 could provide three Bibles to new believers in persecuted India.

  • £40 could help cover the cost to train BMS church planters in India.

  • £90 could provide a month’s training for leaders preparing to plant churches among the world’s most vulnerable people.


Your gift will go toward our evangelistic work in India. If our target is exceeded, it will support other evangelistic work around the world.