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Read our Impact ReportYour help is urgently needed in Lebanon
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Mission workersPray for Lebanon this Sunday
Download the PowerPointNeed a BMS speaker for your church?
Request a speakerShare this collection of resources with your church, including a feature video, PowerPoint presentation and prayer requests, to help get to the very heart of this BMS World Mission ministry.
Hope for the World introductory video, Hope for the World church PowerPoint presentation, Hope for the World ministry overview PDF, Hope for the World prayer sheet
This PDF resource features maps and impact stats, stories of lives transformed and about the mission workers you and your church are supporting and is perfect for your church noticeboard or as a handout for a mission Sunday.
Use these prayers, which have been sourced from mission workers and partners from across the ministry, to further the faithful connection between your church and world mission.
These PowerPoint slides plus a suggested script contain key stories of hope and transformation to help you connect your church even deeper with BMS’ Hope for the World ministry.