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Alternatively, you can download and print a copy of this form here.
Send your completed form to:
BMS World Mission
PO Box 49, 129 Broadway,
Didcot, OX11 8XA
If you are a UK taxpayer, paying income tax and/or capital gains tax, you can make your gifts worth 25 per cent more, at no extra cost to you. For every £10 you donate, BMS World Mission can claim gift aid tax relief of £2.50 from the Inland Revenue.
As long as you pay enough income tax and/or capital gains tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) will reclaim on your donations for that tax year, in the year to match the tax that BMS claims back, your donation will qualify. For example, if you donate £100 in the current tax year to charities and CASCs, those charities and CASCs could claim back £25 in tax from the Inland Revenue. To qualify for Gift Aid you must have paid income tax and/or capital gains tax amounting to £25 or more over the course of the same tax year. Other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify.
Even if you pay tax at the higher rate of 40 per cent, BMS can still only reclaim tax at the basic rate of 20 per cent. The benefit to BMS works out at 25p for every £1 you give. If you wish, you can reclaim the remainder on your tax return.
If you pay tax at the lower rate of 10 per cent, BMS can still reclaim tax at the standard rate of 20 per cent. The benefit to BMS works out at 25p for every £1 you give. You must have paid enough tax in this tax year to match the tax any charity and CASCs you support will reclaim.
Yes, as long as you have paid enough tax in this tax year to match the tax any charities your support will reclaim.
Income and capital gains tax apply, but not other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax.
A taxpayer due a refund of tax under self assessment can nominate BMS World Mission to receive any tax repayment due to him/her as a result of making the tax return. Simply quote our reference number CAJ21TG. You can also complete a Gift Aid declaration on the return so that the repayment can be sent to us with the Gift Aid already added by the Revenue.
Just let us know and we will make sure that tax is only reclaimed on gifts up to the date you contact us. Call 01235 517641 or email donations@bmsworldmission.org
Please let BMS know if you move house or if any of your details change, to help us keep records up-to-date. Call 01235 517638 or email supporterservices@bmsworldmission.org
As long as the total amount of tax you pay each year is more than or equal to the tax that BMS and other charities reclaim, currently 25p for every pound given, your gift will still qualify for Gift Aid. If you stop paying tax, please let BMS know and we will cease reclaiming tax on your donations from the day you contact us.
Get in touch by emailing donations@bmsworldmission.org or calling 01235 517641