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Help BMS World Mission respond effectively to disasters
Disasters like the crisis in Goma require an immediate response. The fastest way to get first aid supplies, medicine and essentials to an emergency is to have a relief fund already available. By giving to the BMS disaster recovery fund, you ensure help is on hand before disaster strikes.
Often, when a disaster moves out of the news, appeal donations dry up. Yet recovery and rebuilding after a war, drought or tsunami can take decades. When you give to our disaster recovery fund, you continue to help long after the crisis drops out of the headlines.
Local partners: we directly support people who are on the ground and who understand the situation.
Forward-looking approach: we give grants to long-term recovery, such as trauma counselling, rebuilding businesses and replanting crops.
Responsible sourcing: we don’t send goods overseas that threaten local economies.
Your gifts to the BMS disaster recovery fund meant Dilli could begin to rebuild his life a brutal earthquake left him and his family living under a tarpaulin. For Dilli, this support meant more than rebuilding his life – as a completely blind man, he had been entirely dependent on his family for daily activities. But, thanks to your generosity, our partner was able to offer him mobility support. Dilli is so thankful for the support he received, as he moves freely around the village, growing in independence and confidence.
Without your giving, no relief work could happen. With your giving, it can.