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Use this resource bundle to help you plan your BMS World Mission Day of Prayer 2025. Below, you’ll find tips on resources to use, a link to a worship music playlist and wording for the five main prayers we’ll be praying as churches up and down our nation, and across the world.
This bundle has the following resources. Leader's guide, Prayer PowerPoint, Prayer sheets, World map print-out and a video message
Use this printable Leader’s Guide to help you plan your BMS World Mission Day of Prayer 2025.
Use this PowerPoint to guide your service. Aniu’s video message is embedded in the first slide, and the following slides contain the Bible passages from Aniu’s talk and the prayer points you’ll need for your prayer time.
Use these five prayer sheets to pray for five locations around the world where God is powerfully at work. Each location is linked to a BMS ministry area and a BMS mission worker, and each sheet has an idea for a creative prayer activity too. You could print them out and leave them in prayer spaces around the room.
Give a map to each prayer group or individual using your prayer spaces, for them to add notes or prayers to. You could also pin a map to your noticeboard to remind your church family to keep praying throughout the year.
In this 7-minute message, you will hear from Aniu Kevichusa, BMS’ Director of Intercultural Learning and Collaboration. Aniu is based in India, and he explains how mission is a prediction and a promise of the multi-ethnic Church described in Revelation 7. Be encouraged by Aniu, and pray for the intercultural partnerships you support across the world that point people to Jesus and give glory to him.