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Whether its installing solar panels at Guinebor II Hospital to cut carbon emissions, or growing trees in Uganda to reduce soil erosion and boost biodiversity, BMS World Mission is committed to looking after God’s good creation. Please use these resources to help you pray and to inspire you to hope for creation wherever you live.
In light of this year’s Season of Creation and the UN climate conference, COP29, we took the theme of ’to hope and act with creation’ based on Romans 8: 19-25, and worked with our international partners to create four videos, a study guide and prayer. All of these are free for you and your church to stream or download. You can use them as an individual or in small groups to reflect on what it means to hope and act with creation.
A prayer for creation from BMS Creation Stewardship Co-ordinator, Laura-Lee Lovering.
A study guide to help you reflect on the videos of our partners and networks giving their perspective on Romans 8: 19-25.