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BMS Carbon Calculator

Most of us now know that as good stewards of God’s creation, it’s crucial that we reduce our carbon emissions. We know that flying, driving, keeping our homes warm, and even eating produces harmful carbon emissions. As committed as we might be to treading lightly, there are always some emissions that can’t be avoided.


This is where we can choose to ‘offset’ our impact by giving to support projects around the world that tackle climate change by reducing carbon in the atmosphere. While all BMS World Mission supported projects are assessed for their environmental impact, some have the Climate Stewards ‘Seal of Approval’ for carbon mitigation potential. This means they are specifically designed to tackle climate change. 

When you choose to give to BMS using the form on this page, you are supporting these projects across the world, such as providing solar panels at Guinebor II Hospital in Chad, or planting trees in northern Uganda. 

How much to give

It’s up to you to decide how much of your household carbon budget to offset. To keep things simple, choose a pre-set option which makes sense for your household:

  •  If you spend £10 per week on pet food, £12 could offset your pet’s dinners for a year. 

  • If you drive 3,000 miles per year in a medium sized car, you could give £28 to offset your annual emissions. 

  • £50 could offset annual food consumption for a family of four.  

  • £60 could offset return flights from London to Rome for a family of four. 

  • £80 could offset the average household’s use of gas and electricity for a year. 


Carbon Calculator

Want to try a more accurate calculation?

The suggestions above were calculated using Climate Stewards’ carbon calculator, using a suggested donation of £25 per tonne of CO2. 

Why not try using the calculator yourself? Simply return to this page after and enter the amount you’d like to donate in the box marked ‘other’.